Fairy Tales 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LRRH Revamped


What's interesting about this clip is that it starts off with your typical fairytale beginning: Once upon a time. However, we don't get her walk through the forest and intial contact with the wolf. The video jumps right into the scene in which Little Red Riding Hood finds the wolf in Grandma's home. Despite the wolf wearing Grandma's glasses and little hat, the girl knows from the start that this is not her Grandma (we can figure this out through her gasp). At the same time though, she asks the wolf what big teeth he has, and note this is the only question asked, perhaps because it is the most important. So we can see that unlike earlier LRRHs, this girl is not ignorant and clearly knows the difference between an old woman and a gross wolf. She also knows martial arts, and uses her skills on the wolf, which is a reflection on the child's sphere and recognition of an educational system. We have further advanced the notion of schooling for children and have taken into account that its helpful for kids to engage in activities outside of school that will also prepare them for adulthood and even, in the case of the video, the problems children face themselves. What really stood out to me is that LRRH is teaching the wolf a lesson; this isn't a story about LRRH learning to obey mother.

I have a question though, if the LRRH here has been taught by the Grandma's Martial Arts School, wheres Grandma. The video, for me at least, does not suggest she has been eaten by the wolf.

1 comment:

  1. This one is not meant to be a story of little red riding hood. It is meant to be a commercial for the martial arts school (not a real situation). (I also understand that the martial arts school is not real and only created as an element for this school project on animation.) The Red Riding Hood elements are to illustrate the use of the skills in a situation that everyone is natually familiar with, using irony to both amuse and make a point. The use of the line "What big teeth you have" is a challenge to the wolf similar to "Take the _____ from my hand". It is more of a go ahead if you can than a real "wow you have big teeth..."
